
美国知名学者Y. G. Butler博士与公司教师座谈EFL教学与研究问题

时间:2010年06月13日 点击:

2010年5月24日下午,美国宾夕法尼亚大学教育学院(PennGSE)知名教授、教育语言学专业(Educational Linguistics Program)博士生导师Y. G. Butler博士应邀与菠菜网最稳定正规平台部分教师座谈了有关语言教学与测试、二语学习与使用、跨语言/跨文化的教与学习以及双语教育等问题,并针对老师们有关英语教学和教师专业发展的问题进行问答式交流。



据悉,公司2009届毕业生刘晔婷去年以优异的成绩被PennGSE录取为教育语言学专业硕士生,并获得一万美元奖学金,目前正在Dr. Butler指导下攻读学位;今年2010届毕业生王飞宇和陈偲也已被PennGSE录取为硕士研究生。


价值链接:附件:Dr. Yuko Goto Butler简介

Dr. Butler生于60年代,为日裔美国人,先后获得东京大学亚洲史研究学士(1987)、加州大学洛杉矶分校比较教育硕士(1991)和斯坦福大学语言学硕士(1998)、教育心理学博士(1999)等学位,现任教于宾州大学教育学院(PennGSE),教育语言学专业(Educational Linguistics Program)博士生导师。


BA (Asian History)

University of Tokyo, 1987;

MA (Comparative Education)

University of California, Los Angeles, 1991;

MA (Linguistics)

Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1998;

Ph.D. (Educational Psychology)

Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1999.

Description of Research Expertise

Areas of Expertise

Language assessment

Cross-linguistic/cross-cultural learning and teaching

Second language acquisition

Bilingualism and biliteracy

Research Interests and Current Projects

Dr. Butler’s research focuses on second language and bilingual language acquisition and learning, with particular emphasis on the role of cognitive, metacognitive, and socio-cognitive factors in language learning.

Her interests include:

(1) the role of metacognition in language learning and instruction;

(2) assessments to measure English language proficiency as well as “academic language” proficiency among learners and teachers; and

(3) cross-linguistic and cross-cultural learning/teaching styles and strategies.

Dr. Butler is currently conducting research on English-learning students and their teachers in both theU.S.andEast Asia. One of her most recent projects involves examining and comparing various issues that have emerged as a result of the recent introduction of English language instruction at the elementary school level in various Asian countries.

Her research for this project is focused on:

(1) examining and assessing the qualifications of elementary school teachers who have been asked to teach English in select Asian countries;

(2) how best to assess young learners’ second/foreign language proficiency; and

(3) how to identify effective English learning/teaching methods and strategies given the cultural and social contexts in which instruction takes place in these countries.

She is also currently working on projects investigating second language acquisition and biliteracy acquisition among elementary school children in both theU.S.andAsia.

Dr. Butler received a National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship for the 2004-05 academic year. In 2007-08, she received the National Institute of Japanese Language/Hakuho Foundation Fellowship.

Selected Publications

Butler, Y. G., & Hakuta, K.:The relationship between academic oral proficiency and reading performance: A comparative study between English learners and English-only students. Reading Psychology (in press).

Butler, Y.G., & Lee, J.:The effect of self-assessment among young learners.Language Testing (in press).

Butler, Y. G., & Takeuchi, A.:Variables that influence elementary school students’ English performance inJapan. Journal ofAsiaTEFL 5(1): 61-91, 2008.

Butler, Y. G.:Imin-no kodomo-ni taisuru kyoiku seisaku [Educational policies for immigrant children]Amerika-de sodatsu nihon-no kodomo [Japanese children growing in theU.S.] G. Sato (eds.).Tokyo:Akashishoten, Page: 28-47, 2008 Notes: (in Japanese).

Butler, Y. G.:Children’s reading attitudes in L1 and FL. Academic Exchange Quarterly 11(1): 183-187, 2007.

Butler, Y. G.:Factors associated with the notion that native speakers are the ideal language teachers: An examination of elementary school teachers inJapan. JALT Journal 29(1): 7 - 40, 2007.

Butler, Y. G.:How are non-native English speaking teachers perceived by young learners?TESOL Quarterly 41(4): 731-755, 2007.

Butler, Y. G.:Foreign language education at elementary schools inJapan: Searching for solutions amidst growing diversification. Current Issues in Language Planning 8(2): 129-147, 2007.

Butler, Y. G., & Lee, J.:On-task versus off-task self-assessment among Korean elementary school students studying English. The Modern Language Journal 90(4): 506-518, 2006.

Butler, Y. G., & Hakuta, K.:Cognitive factors in children’s L1 and L2 reading. Academic Exchange Quarterly 10(1): 23-27, 2006.

Butler, Y. G.:Comparative perspectives towards communicative activities among elementary school teachers inSouth Korea,Japan, andTaiwan. Language Teaching Research 9(4): 423-446, 2005.

Butler, Y. G., & Iino, M.:Current Japanese reforms in English language education: The 2003 “Action Plan.”Language Policy 4(1): 25-45, 2005.

Butler, Y. G.:English in elementary schools: Current English language education policies inSouth Korea,Japan, andTaiwan. The Journal of Teaching for Young Learners of English 1: 49-73, 2005.

Butler, Y.G.:Content-based instruction in foreign language contexts: Considerations for effective implementation. JALT Journal 27(2): 227-245, 2005.

Butler, Y. G., & Hakuta, K.:Bilingualism and second language acquisition. The handbook of bilingualism. T. K. Bhatia & W. C. Ritchie (eds.).Malden,MA: Blackwell, Page: 114-144, 2004.

Butler, Y. G.:What level of English proficiency do elementary school teachers need to attain in order to teach EFL?: Case studies fromKorea,Taiwan, andJapan.TESOL Quarterly 38(2): 245-278, 2004.

Butler, Y. G., & Gutierrez, M. B.:Learning climates: A case of 4th grade students in an English-only district inCalifornia.Bilingual Research Journal 27(2): 171-194, 2003.

Butler, Y. G.:Second language learners’ theories on the use of English articles: An analysis of the metalinguistic knowledge used by Japanese students in acquiring the English article system.Studies in Second Language Acquisition 24(3): 451-480, 2002.

Butler, Y. G., Orr, E., Bousquet, M., & Hakuta, K.:Inadequate conclusions from an inadequate assessment: What can SAT-9 tell us about the impact of Proposition 227?Bilingual Research Journal 24: 141-154, 2000.






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